Réseau IA

le collectif IA pour la Wallonie

Frédéric LAMBRECHTS » Liste des membres du réseau IA

Liste des sociétés membres

Photo of Frédéric LAMBRECHTS


Work Rue du Bois Saint-Jean, 15/1 Seraing 4102 Belgium Home Phone: +32 4 242 90 05 Website: www.osimis.io


Co-founder of Osimis, the official partner company to the Orthanc open source software

Osimis is a spin-off of the Liège University Hospital, where the Orthanc open source software was created.
Our services help medical specialists and industrials the world over with implementation, management and support for their Orthanc deployments.
We ensure that Orthanc runs reliably on every platform from the PC and the Mac to the server and, crucially, the cloud.
Besides delivering services, we also create products that have Orthanc at its core.

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Rue du Bois Saint-Jean, 15/1 Seraing 4102 Belgium